Strategic Advisory + M&A Consulting

We support our customers with a flexible range of Corporate Finance services in making strategic decisions with confidence based on well-researched insights.

We often handle complex issues that arise infrequently in a company’s life cycle (including M&A projects), and outsourcing these services on an “as-needed basis” is a cost-effective way to address a wide range of current business tasks in a timely manner.

We lead our clients through intense periods of change and growth

Our team’s experience in supporting data-driven strategic decisions spans more than 20 years.

We have worked for almost every industry and business model on three continents. During this time, we have completed approx. 300 projects in the area of strategic / M&A consulting and participated in transactions exceeding 200 million EUR.

We form a multidisciplinary team of experts in strategy, finance and analytical technology. We not only know what is the value of your company and what is driving it, but also how to increase it.

Our value

Proven experience

20 years of experience and a rich track-record

Highest standards

Professionalism ensuring high quality services

Independent perspective

Providing unencumbered assessments and recommendations

Holistic approach

Multidisciplinary expertise to enhance business value

Some of our amazing clients


If you are struggling with how you can strategically take your organization to the next level, an experienced business partner is essential to independently assess what you are doing and planning and what options are available.

Informed Strategic Decision-Making

Making the right strategic decisions causes many managers a headache in today’s unpredictable world. High-performing management teams use and monitor assumptions throughout their strategic decision-making process.

Managers need to understand, for example, how investments (CAPEX, M&A, innovations, R&D) translate into profit and cash growth over time. Being able to relate these returns to what competitors are able to achieve is a good measure of improving operational excellence and capital efficiency.

Often, however, managers lack sufficient competence or experience, and here they can benefit from our support.

Fresh-Eye View

As an independent advisor, we present a point of view based on facts and multi-discipline experience, not on untrustworthy intuition, emotions or schematic, bracketed thinking.

We look at your business and the opportunities around you completely out-of-the-box. Smart leaders understand that the intellectual honesty of a strategic advisor fosters creativity and growth.

We are also well versed in what we do and spend time and resources tracking trends and the companies that drive them. Internally, this “multiplier effect” cannot be replicated without a significant increase in manpower and costs.

Win-Win Relationship

As a strategic advisor, we are a cost-effective option for you. We enable you to acquire the greatest degree of experience, personal network, and know-how, which can be applied to your most difficult challenges for the exact amount of time you require.

At the same time, we try to orient ourselves to our customers on a long-term basis. As a result, we have an interest like few others in making sure your company achieves its goals, because that’s how we grow too. This is also reflected in the billing model for our services, which are often based on success.

Flexibility & Complexity

We are not part of a large financial institution or one of the international Shared Service Centers. We are ready to work with companies at almost any stage of the life cycle, in a scope flexibly adapted to their individual needs.

At the same time we also find ourselves comfortable in international transactions, having a network of contacts, including other advisors around the world.

While cooperating in a certain area, we are also always ready to support you in another field in which we specialize. Knowing your company well, it will be easier for us, than for an outsider, to implement new tasks related to finance, controlling, business analytics or strategic projects.

Informed Strategic Decision-Making

Making the right strategic decisions causes many managers a headache in today’s unpredictable world. High-performing management teams use and monitor assumptions throughout their strategic decision-making process.

Managers need to understand, for example, how investments (CAPEX, M&A, innovations, R&D) translate into profit and cash growth over time. Being able to relate these returns to what competitors are able to achieve is a good measure of improving operational excellence and capital efficiency.

Often, however, managers lack sufficient competence or experience, and here they can benefit from our support.

Fresh-Eye View

As an independent advisor, we present a point of view based on facts and multi-discipline experience, not on untrustworthy intuition, emotions or schematic, bracketed thinking.

We look at your business and the opportunities around you completely out-of-the-box. Smart leaders understand that the intellectual honesty of a strategic advisor fosters creativity and growth.

We are also well versed in what we do and spend time and resources tracking trends and the companies that drive them. Internally, this “multiplier effect” cannot be replicated without a significant increase in manpower and costs.

Win-Win Relationship

As a strategic advisor, we are a cost-effective option for you. We enable you to acquire the greatest degree of experience, personal network, and know-how, which can be applied to your most difficult challenges for the exact amount of time you require.

At the same time, we try to orient ourselves to our customers on a long-term basis. As a result, we have an interest like few others in making sure your company achieves its goals, because that’s how we grow too. This is also reflected in the billing model for our services, which are often based on success.

Flexibility & Complexity

We are not part of a large financial institution or one of the international Shared Service Centers. We are ready to work with companies at almost any stage of the life cycle, in a scope flexibly adapted to their individual needs.

At the same time we also find ourselves comfortable in international transactions, having a network of contacts, including other advisors around the world.

While cooperating in a certain area, we are also always ready to support you in another field in which we specialize. Knowing your company well, it will be easier for us, than for an outsider, to implement new tasks related to finance, controlling, business analytics or strategic projects.

Buy-side. Sell-side. Always by your side.

Our offer

Our guidance creates value. No matter what opportunities and challenges lay ahead, our expertise and objectivity build solutions and deliver results.

  • Strategy: Advice on defining business models of potential acquisition targets
  • Research: Identification of acquisition targets in domestic and international markets
  • Contact: Initial contact (including anonymous contact on behalf of the client) with agreed targets to determine interest in the transaction and preliminary assessment of the target’s financial and business situation
  • Synergies: Support in estimating potential synergies and shaping offerings for target owners
  • Due Diligence: Carrying out financial and business due diligence including the creation of a financial model of the target and identification of possible risk factors
  • Negotiations: Support in negotiations and preparation of formal documents from the financial and business side (term sheet / letter of intent, share purchase agreement, investment agreement)
  • Integration: Post-deal integration support from the financial / controlling and accounting side
  • Strategy: Support in defining a business exit strategy
  • Price / Multiple: Suggesting steps worth taking to achieve the highest possible valuation in the short, medium & long term
  • Financial Modeling: Preparation of a detailed financial model showing the Company’s historical performance and business potential for the coming years
  • Investment materials: Preparation of descriptive sales / investment materials about the Company – investment presentations, memorandums, teasers
  • Investors: Identification of potential investors and initial (including anonymous) contact with them to determine interest in the deal
  • Due Diligence: Analytical and process support in due diligence conducted by investors, coordination of all parties involved
  • Negotiations: Support in negotiations and preparation of formal documents from the financial and business side (term sheet / letter of intent, share purchase agreement, investment agreement)
  • Succession strategy: Support in defining succession strategies (family and managerial), including shaping the managerial options program / ESOP or the implementation of managerial buyout (MBO / LBO) projects.
  • Valuation: Conducting market valuations of companies using various methods, adapted to specific objectives and company needs (income-based / DCF, multiplier, asset-based methods)
  • Valuation optimization: Analysis of finances, operations and strategy for opportunities to optimize the company’s multiplier and valuation
  • Audits: Conducting independent audits diagnosing the financial, business and market situation of companies
  • Benchmarking: Conducting market comparisons to peer companies in terms of financial and performance indicators and the strategy adopted.
  • Data culture assessment: Examining the organization’s maturity in terms of the culture of working with data, the quality of reports and financial statements, the efficiency of controlling processes, the degree of digitization and automation of reporting.
  • Capital structure: Working with management and owners to define the optimal capital structure
  • Financial modeling: Preparation of models, analysis and forecasts, including cash flow projections, determining the scale of capital requirements and the ability to repay a certain level of debt.
  • Business Plans & Presentations: Materials that will allow decision makers at lending institutions to understand your company, business model or specific projects requiring external financing in better and more transparent way.
  • Dealing with debt providers: Conducting a competitive process with multiple potential debt providers.
  • Independent advice: Unencumbered by relationships with debt providers advice on choosing the best deal (we have no official or unofficial intermediary agreements with banks and other debt providers).
  • Deal closure: Negotiating the best debt parameters and contract content on behalf of clients.
  • KPI Monitoring & Reporting: Calculation, monitoring, reporting of ratios required by debt providers during the debt period.
  • Strategic options: Analysis of strategic development options, including a cross-sectional analysis of the company’s growth opportunities, relevance of acquiring an investor, entering new markets, IPO, management buyout exit or succession.
  • Equity capital: Support in raising equity capital (materials for investors, financial modeling, participation in negotiations)
  • Internal structures & processes: Advice on shaping financial and accounting processes and structures to effectively meet business and strategic needs.
  • IPO Support: Support for stock market debut, including financial, strategic and business content for documents & strategic and investor relations consulting.
  • ESOPs: Understanding the specific circumstances and needs of your business in order to build or amend your current Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

Our industry expertise

We believe that maximizing enterprise value requires an industry-specific approach. We are able to deliver superior results for clients by leveraging our deep sector knowledge and extensive relationships with active buyers in our core industries of focus.

IT / Technology
Healthcare & Medical Devices
Retail & E-Commerce
Recycling & CleanTech
Business Services
VC-Backed Startups
Media & Publishing

We make things happen

We have supported our clients in amazing ventures and strategic transactions. We are always concerned about confidentiality, so we share our selected projects anonymously.

Leading domestic labels producer

Comprehensive operational support in the business exit process in terms of business valuation, market analysis, investor finding, preparation of project documentation, as well as support during due diligence, ongoing dialogue and final price negotiations.

Leading domestic real estate developer

Conducting several valuations in various configurations, including valuing all of the portfolio companies separately as part of the implementation of the Group’s reorganization prior to the sale to a foreign investor.

Publicly traded company

Leading market player in the CEE photovoltaic market

Conducting a number of analyses and valuations of companies and projects, including a valuation of an early-stage target company prior to a €10m investment.

Publicly traded company

One of the world’s leading LSPs, combining technology with translation expertise

Preparation of financial models, valuations and comprehensive consulting in more than a dozen domestic & international acquisition projects. At a later stage advice on strategic growth options, financial modeling and valuation of the Group prior to a transaction with a PE/VC fund with a value of €15m.

Publicly traded company

Market leader in facility management services

Conducting a number of analyses and valuations of companies and projects, including a valuation of an early-stage target company prior to a €10m investment.

Publicly traded company

Leading player in the automotive oil production and distribution market

Comprehensive financial modeling and advisory services to owners in negotiations with a large PE/VC fund preceding a €10m deal.

Recognizable publishing group with strong e-commerce exposure

Drafting the financial & business framework of the managerial program for employees of Group companies and coordination of its implementation.

Leading company in the industrial automation segment serving major automotive brands

Audit of financial and accounting documentation and structures, financial modeling and business valuation, comprehensive analysis of the market environment, benchmarking of the Group’s performance against identified competitors from both domestic and foreign markets, analysis of strategic development options.

Leading distributor of materials and equipment for the visual communication industry

Review of strategic options for the owners of the Company, preparation of the Company for sale (far-reaching optimization of controlling and reporting processes, support in identifying areas for savings, work on developing the highest possible valuation). Comprehensive support for the successful sale of the Company to a strategic investor.

Leader in the distribution of party and decorative items.

Acquired financing for the construction of a modern warehouse hall with a production section and office space worth €5m.

Leading manufacturer of plastic regranulate

Financial modeling, strategic consulting and acquisition of multi-product funding (banks & private investors) for current operations and investment in a production hall & modern machinery (€5m).

We work transparently and we care about your trust

If this is the first time you are considering working with an external partner in a strategic area or have doubts for any reason, please read the answers to questions that often arise at the beginning of the journey.
If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Why do I need a financial advisor in acquisition or exiting processes?

A professional advisor such as Enterium will help you get an outside perspective on the ventures you plan to make, based on their years of experience.


Entrepreneurs often complete these types of transactions a few times in their lives, and some even only once. You don’t need to know all the nuances of valuing a company, negotiating or conducting due diligence, and we’re often talking about large-scale transactions. That’s why it’s worth backing up with experts for whom this is their day-to-day bread and butter.

I want to sell shares in my company, but I care about discretion (inside and outside the organization). Can it be managed?

Of course, we always respect the will of the sellers and we operate in strict confidentiality. Up to a certain point, we can professionally operate quietly, including anonymously collecting feedback from potential buyers. At some point, of course, the key people in the organization should be made aware, but we will help you manage this appropriately.

Do I need to prepare my business to sell it?

The better prepared a company is for sale, the smoother the process goes and, more importantly, the higher valuation the seller can obtain. Preparing for this process is a multi-faceted topic. Of course, optimized financial results, working capital, asset and debt structure are important – and here we often support clients with our strategic advice.


However, our experience shows that companies with properly implemented controlling and reporting processes, providing off-the-shelf availability of multidimensional data, are much more credible and can achieve up to a 20% higher valuation. Leveraging our holistic approach to building business value, we can support you in this aspect as well.

How is your compensation structured for exit or fundraising projects? What if it's not successful?

We always try to shape the terms of cooperation so that they are based on the win-win principle.


Of course, we are not a non-profit organization, we will not solve all potential problems, so usually part of our remuneration is a lump sum to cover our costs. Nevertheless, the main part of our remuneration in this type of projects is based on success and depends on the scale of the transaction (often as a %). Thanks to this, your success is our success, also in the material dimension.

I need general advice on the options available for building business value. Can you help with this?

Of course, we often encounter a situation when entrepreneurs themselves do not know whether it is a good time to sell a company or whether it is necessary to build scale through acquisition, supported by external financing. They are also not aware of the available instruments related to the capital market or various mechanisms like Employee Stock Option Plan.


Often, strategic cooperation with our customers begins with an opening audit, containing a comprehensive review of strategic development options along with market analysis. This is usually not the end – we help in the implementation of the recommendations that will be included in such a report.

Real value doesn’t happen by accident